Friday, March 26, 2010

Senators battle again over extending jobless benefits

The Senate was battling again over the issue of a short-term extension of unemployment benefits and other programs. Senators were called to the Senate floor late Thursday for a rarely used "live quorum" so they could try to work out a way forward. Senator Tom Coburn, a Republican from Oklahoma, is objecting to a commonly used unanimous-consent agreement to pass the bill under emergency conditions, even if it increases the federal deficit. Coburn wants to eliminate additional government spending to pay for the bill. Democratic and Republican leaders spent much of the day seeking a solution that would avoid keeping senators in town through the weekend to overcome Coburn's objection. Federal unemployment benefits kick in after the basic state-funded 26 weeks of coverage expire. During the downturn, Congress has approved up to an additional 73 weeks, which it funds.

I think that Senator Coburn's idea is stupid. You don't have to pass this bill under emergency conditions. Coburn should just go back to Oklahoma and watch his Oklahoma St. Cowboys play in the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament. Oh wait, they lost to a 10 seed in the first round. Good job team. So go home Coburn. No need for this emergency condition talk.

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