Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Obama energy plan would open Atlantic and Gulf drilling

President Obama unveiled plans earlier today to open large swaths of U.S. coastal waters in the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico to natural gas and oil drilling. This move will likely please the energy industry but upset the administration's environmentalist supporters. There has been a 20-year ban on drilling off the Virginia coastline, but this plan would lift the ban. And it would put the clamps on sites such as southwest Alaska's Bristol Bay. The plan allows the Interior Department to conduct seismic surveys off the south and mid-Atlantic coasts to determine the quantity and location of potential oil and gas resources to support energy planning.

I think that these plans are a good idea because then the U.S. would be able to have some less expensive prices for barrels of oil since they wouldn't be coming from a foreign country. Therefore, gas prices wouldn't be so inflated in the U.S. and Americans wouldn't have to spend every penny they have on filling a tank of gas!

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