Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Obama energy plan would open Atlantic and Gulf drilling

President Obama unveiled plans earlier today to open large swaths of U.S. coastal waters in the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico to natural gas and oil drilling. This move will likely please the energy industry but upset the administration's environmentalist supporters. There has been a 20-year ban on drilling off the Virginia coastline, but this plan would lift the ban. And it would put the clamps on sites such as southwest Alaska's Bristol Bay. The plan allows the Interior Department to conduct seismic surveys off the south and mid-Atlantic coasts to determine the quantity and location of potential oil and gas resources to support energy planning.

I think that these plans are a good idea because then the U.S. would be able to have some less expensive prices for barrels of oil since they wouldn't be coming from a foreign country. Therefore, gas prices wouldn't be so inflated in the U.S. and Americans wouldn't have to spend every penny they have on filling a tank of gas!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Obama set to sign health care 'fixes' bill

Obama will sign into law a package of changes to the newly enacted health care reform bill today. The signing ceremony at a community college in northern Virginia will culminate almost a year of fiercely partisan debate and a tortuous legislative journey on the proposals generated by Democrats and unanimously opposed by Republicans. Due to a shifting political landscape, Democrats eventually needed the separate bill being signed Tuesday to make changes in the original legislation in order to get the overall package passed by Congress.

I think that its a good thing that President Obama is going to makes some changes to the health care reform bill. I don't know exactly what changes are going to be made but its a good thing he's making changes because over 70% of Americans didn't want this bill yet they still passed it. But with these changes, I think more people will be satisfied with the health care bill that was passed last week.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Afghan war remains 'absolutely essential,' Obama says

President Obama rallied U.S. troops and pledged continued partnership with Afghanistan during a previously unannounced trip to the country Sunday. Speaking to about 2,000 U.S. and allied troops at the major U.S. base in Afghanistan, Obama said, "Those folks back home are relying on you. I know it's not easy," he said. "You're far away from home. You miss your kids, you miss your spouses, your family, your friends." But he added, "If I thought for a minute that America's vital interests were not served, were not at stake here in Afghanistan, I would order all of you home right away." Obama met with Hamid Karzai (Afghanistan's president) at the Presidential Palace to discuss progress by the Afghan government in strengthening its ability to run the country and provide security for its people. Karzai is expected to come to Washington on May 12th to "express the gratitude of our people for the help that America has given us for the last eight years." He specifically thanked U.S. taxpayers for their aid in helping rebuild his country.

Some people agree with Obama's choice to keep troops in Afghanistan while others disagree with him. I, personally, think that its the President's choice. So since he decided that they need to stay, I'll agree with it. Many people don't understand how many influential factors there are when it comes to making a decision on something like this. I feel that Obama and his cabinet have discussed this issue enough and know what they are doing.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Senators battle again over extending jobless benefits

The Senate was battling again over the issue of a short-term extension of unemployment benefits and other programs. Senators were called to the Senate floor late Thursday for a rarely used "live quorum" so they could try to work out a way forward. Senator Tom Coburn, a Republican from Oklahoma, is objecting to a commonly used unanimous-consent agreement to pass the bill under emergency conditions, even if it increases the federal deficit. Coburn wants to eliminate additional government spending to pay for the bill. Democratic and Republican leaders spent much of the day seeking a solution that would avoid keeping senators in town through the weekend to overcome Coburn's objection. Federal unemployment benefits kick in after the basic state-funded 26 weeks of coverage expire. During the downturn, Congress has approved up to an additional 73 weeks, which it funds.

I think that Senator Coburn's idea is stupid. You don't have to pass this bill under emergency conditions. Coburn should just go back to Oklahoma and watch his Oklahoma St. Cowboys play in the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament. Oh wait, they lost to a 10 seed in the first round. Good job team. So go home Coburn. No need for this emergency condition talk.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

14 states sue to block health care law

Officials from 14 states have gone to court to block the historic overhaul of this new health care bill that President Obama signed earlier this morning. They argue that the law's requirement for individuals to buy health insurance violates the Constitution. Attorney generals from Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Washington all jumped on board with the lawsuit that was filed in Florida right after the bill was signed. The attorney general from Virginia filed a lawsuit of his own in his own state. The lawsuit states that, "the Constitution nowhere authorizes the United States to mandate, either directly or under threat of penalty, that all citizens and legal residents have qualifying health care coverage."

I feel like the lawsuit that they filed is a good thing because over 70% of Americans wanted health care reform of some sort but they did not want this bill. It just goes to show how much power self-interest groups have in office. Over 70%! Its outrageous that this bill got passed and now many people are disappointed in who they voted for to take political seats for their states because they are not listening to the needs of the people in their state.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

'Alice in Wonderland' holds top spot at box office

Tim Burton's 'Alice in Wonderland' holds the top spot at the box office for the second week in a row. In 10 days, it has made $208 million. This movie breaks Burton's previous personal best, 2005's 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', which also starred Johnny Depp. 13% of that $208 million came from I-MAX 3-D screens. It made $62 million this week. 'Green Zone', starring Matt Damon, took the second spot taking in $14.5 million. 'She's Out of My League' took the 3rd spot, raking in $9.6 million on its opener.

Personally, I think that 'Alice in Wonderland' looks creepy. Johnny Depp just looks like a scary guy in the pictures and trailer of this film. Also, I'm surprised that 'Alice in Wonderland' more than quadrupled 'Green Zone' in its second week. I loved the Bourne Trilogy so I kind of want to see 'Green Zone' because it is directed by the same guy. But congrats to Tim Burton and his 'Alice in Wonderland'.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Senate leader Reid's family hurt in car wreck

Sebate Majority Leader Harry Reid's wife and daughter were injured in an accident recently. His wife, Landra Reid, broke her neck, broke her back, and broke her nose. Senator Reid's daughter, Lana, suffered a neck injury and facial lacerations. Landra and Lana Reid were driving in stop and go traffic on I-95 in Fairfax County when they were rear ended by a tractor-trailer. This collision forced the Reid's car to hit the car in front of them and then that car went into the next lane and hit another car. Everyone that was in this accident, except for Alan Snader who was driving the tractor-trailer, was sent to Inova Fairfax Hospital. Alan Snader was charged with reckless driving.

I believe that the police were right in charging Alan Snader with reckless driving. In stop and go traffic, drivers need to be ready for anything and paying attention to what they're doing. Plus his recklessness caused injury to people in 3 cars. If he wouldnt have been charged then I would have been very angry and I know many other people would be too.