Friday, May 28, 2010

BP calls Gulf oil leak 'environmental catastrophe'

This picture is of a porpoise that died due to the BP oil spill.

BP's top official, who had previously said the environmental impact on Gulf of Mexico would be modest, upgraded his assessment Friday to an "environmental catastrophe." Also Friday, engineers in the Gulf tried the "junk shot" method in an attempt to stop a massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, BP's chief executive Tony Hayward said. The procedure involved shooting debris such as shredded rubber tires, golf balls and similar objects into the blowout preventer in an attempt to clog it and stop the leak. The goal of the junk shot is to force-feed the preventer, the device that failed when the disaster unfolded, until it becomes so plugged that the oil stops flowing or slows to a relative trickle. The company plans to resume its "top kill" method, pumping heavy mud into the leak. BP admitted it delayed "top kill" pumping for 16 hours on Thursday. President Obama to visit Louisiana coast on Friday to assess damage from oil spill. Scientists say BP spill now largest in U.S. history.

I think that BP needs to work harder on getting this preventer fixed because they delayed their work for 16 hours yesterday. You can't just stop working to prevent the leak from continuing when its turned into an "environmental catastrophe." They should be working around the clock to stop this mess because now its the largest leak in U.S. history. I don't exactly know what President Obama plans to assess or what he's going to do about what he sees. But whatever it is, hopefully he gets things figured out down there and gets the leak plugged.

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